Friday, October 28, 2005

Smoke Dog Baby

Lack of new episodes to prattle on about has reduced us to that most desperate of blogger tactics, posting animated gifs.

Cool innit? Yerp. What's the general consensus about this smoke stuff, anyway? Poison cloud? Swarms of nano-bots? Noxious fumes from the french lady's unkempt bunker?

Nano-bots are awesome, but you'd think that if some genius was capable of developing something as badass as that, they could get them to do something besides flying around and uprooting foliage.

Going way back now, what's going on here?

Is that an early version of the smoke, before the producers fully nailed down the idea, or is it something else entirely? It looks like a turbo-charged magic-destructo-carpet to me, but I'm having a hard time fitting that into what we know so far of the narrative.
Posted by Mr. Babylon, 8:15 AM


Think about it... Al Qaeda + Bin Laden = Al-Laden, or "Aladdin". Think about it....who else has access to magic carpet technology AND hates airplanes?

PS Happy birthday, Mr. B.
Blogger BP, at 12:07 PM  
Some great work on those animated gifs ... makes me want to go back and rewatch the pilot (need to do something until the next episode) . I mean, did you see that carpet thing first time around ??? (Then again, I saw the Dharma logo on the shark right away) ... hmm ..

Have you guys discussed yet what the big invisible, smokey king kong thing is that pulled Locke ??? that thing that ate the pilot and makes trees shake ??

and what the heck is that sickness that people are supposed to be getting ??

(sorry, sat through a 1 week marathon and finally I am up to speed with LOST )
Blogger Peter, at 3:17 AM  
man all these animated GIFs and you dont have the "KOREAN OUT OF NOWHERE" one yet?

i definately dont remmeber that crazy smoke thing blowing up the engine in the first episode...... wtf....and i know i saw the pilot like everytime they aired it (what 3-4 times?) anyone wanna bet that they tweaked the entire first season for the DVDs????
Blogger Audio Student, at 11:06 PM  
What's "Korean out of nowhere?" I'd look it up but I'm too busy surfing this aesome NFL Cheerleader Blog!
Blogger Mr. Babylon, at 4:04 AM  
maybe the nanobots or whatever got control of Locke when he saw them out there in the jungle. it never was fully explained how he got away, was it? maybe he is working for them now. it would explain his drive and his seeming prescience. maybe that sort of mind control is the mysterious sickness?
Blogger BP, at 9:44 AM  

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