Sunday, October 23, 2005

More Internet Crap

A "new" Hanso film has surfaced, you can check it out here. If you believe it, it seems to reveal the rest of the Dharma logos along with a bunch of cryptic scientific jargon about what the different projects do.

Despite some obvious mistakes (two station #5s,) if it's a fake, it's a good one.

I'm inclined to believe that at least some of these unverifiable internet clues are legitimate (or legitimate red herrings, at least.) The writers would have to be stupid--and they aren't--not to capitalize on the viral marketing bonanza of all this internet buzz; it's cheap, it's easy, it's effective, and it's not nearly as obnoxious as imbedding clues in "Invasion" or something, forcing us obsessives to watch that crap too.
Posted by Mr. Babylon, 8:15 AM


Found it in Television Without Pity forums while browsing our referral logs, dunno where it originated. Good question.
Blogger Mr. Babylon, at 4:10 PM  
Here's the thread...
Blogger Mr. Babylon, at 5:20 PM  

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